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SportFlex Tile

Product / Manufacturer
Pyramid Sport Flex Tiles are Designed Specifically for Weight Room, Aerobic, and other high impact applications. Skate and spike resistant product.

Factory sealed, smooth finish, black with 40% epdm speckle colour. Available colour variations include black, blue, green, red, yellow, grey, yellow with grey, red with grey, green with grey, blue with grey.

    Pyramid Sports Floors
    Phone:(403) 287-2291

Product Description:

    Pyramid Sport Flex Tiles are manufactured from a composition of 100% recycled/epdm rubber.

    Pyramid Sport Flex Tiles are available in 10 color variations, 4mm wear layer consists of 40% epdm colorant. 6mm base layer consists of 100% recycled rubber. The product's unique two-ply vulcanized construction, incorporates a highly-resilient rubber wear layer and an elastic cushioned performance layer creating a tough, abrasion and impact resistant composition with excellent slip-resistant, fatigue, and acoustical characteristics.

    All Pyramid Sport Flex Floor Tiles are designed for interior installations only and not recommended for environments where the product will be exposed to animal fats, vegetable oils, or petroleum based materials (i.e.: commercial kitchens).

    Physical Characteristics:
    Tile Thickness: 9 mm (3/8")
    Tile Size: 23" x 23"
    Wear Layer Thickness: 4mm.
    Weight: 8.4 lbs. per tile - 40 lbs.

Product Preformance and Technical Data
Abrasion Resistance - ASTM D 3389 - Wear Layer = 0.275 mg/cycle
Slip Resistance - ASTM D 2047 - Exceeds Federal Standards and ADA requirements of .6 for flat surfaces and .8 for ramps.
Static Load Limit - ASTM F-970 = 0.002" residual indentation after 125 lb. load.
Indentation Resistance - ASTM F-1914 = 5.3% at 75 lb. load.
basketball Recovery - DIN 18032 = 99%
Fire Resistance:
ASTM E 648/NFPA 253 (Critical Radiant Flux) - Class 1.
ASTM E 662/NFPA 258 (Smoke Density) - 450 or less.

The installation of Pyramid Sport Flex Tiles should not begin until the work of all other trades has been completed, especially overhead trades. Areas to receive flooring materials shall be clean, fully enclosed, weather tight, and maintained at a uniform temperature of at least 65° F for 72 hours before, during, and after the installation is completed. The flooring materials and adhesives shall be conditioned in the same manner. Floor surfaces shall be smooth, flat, permanently dry, clean and free of all foreign material such as dust, paint, grease, oils, solvents, curing and hardening compounds, sealers, asphalt, and old adhesive residue. Floor covering shall not be installed over expansion joints. It is essential that moisture tests be taken on all concrete floors regardless of age and grade level. The test shall be in accordance with ASTM F-1869 Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapour Emission Rate of Concrete Sub floor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride. One test should be conducted for every 1000 sq. ft. of flooring and the results not exceed 3 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. in 24 hours. If the test results exceed the limitations, the installation must not proceed until the problem has been corrected. The flooring shall be dry laid and inspected by the installer, under normal, occupied lighting conditions, to ensure proper colour and fit prior to final adhesive installation.

To cut and trim the sports floor, equip a table saw with a 10" diameter tungsten carbide or diamond-tipped saw blade with 32 teeth or greater.

As recommended by Pyramid Sport Flex

Important: This adhesive is substrate porosity sensitive. Determine if the substrate is porous or non-porous prior to application of the adhesive and installation of the flooring products and follow the appropriate instructions.

Application: Porous and Non-Porous Substrates:
Application: 1/8" x 18" x 3/32" U-notched trowel.
Coverage - approximately 85 sq. ft. (7.9 m2) per gallon.

Limited 5-year wear warranty. For complete details, contact Pyramid Sports Floor.

72 hours after installation is completed, initial maintenance procedures must be implemented in accordance with manufacturer's requirements.

Technical Services
Samples: Submittal samples for verification and approval available upon request from Pyramid, Customer Service. Samples shall be submitted in compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Accepted and approved samples shall constitute the standard materials, which represent materials installed on the project.

SportFlex Tile
Measuring Unit
Hardness ASTM-D412 SHORE A 65 Excellent
Flattening Factory tested
Weight:120 lbs/po2/
Time: 1 week
mm <0.3 Excellent
Elongation ASTM-D412 % 160 Meets standard
Abrasion resistance ASTM-D3389 mg 0.41 1000 people / day
Dimensional stability Tfactory tested
(-15oC at 30oC)
% 100 Excellent
UV resistance (indoors) Laboratory tested % Black:100 /
Color: 95
Excellent/ Slight
Variation over 5 years
UV resistance (outdoors) Laboratory tested % 100 Black : Excellent
Flame spread rating ULC S-102.2
Tunnel tested 83 Meets standard
Smoke developed rating ULC S-102.2
Tunnel tested 315 Meets standard
Sound insulation ASTM-E989 FIIC test 62 to 70 Excellent
Chemical resistance Laboratory tested
Javel Water (5%)
HCL SOL'N (26%)
% 100 Excellent
Static resistance ASTM-D2565 Ohm 107 Dissipate static
Absorption Factory tested % 0 Excellent
Cigarette burn resistance Laboratory tested
(5 minutes)
% No burns; no stains /
Slight stain
Adhsion Laboratory tested Kg/cm 3.4 Excellent

Tile size:23 in. x 23 in.
Thickness:3/8 in.
Weight:8.4 lbs / Tile