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MaxFlex is the current technology used at these facilities:

Killarney Pool and Fitness Centre - Calgary, AB
Hidden Valley Middle School - Calgary, AB
Hidden Valley Elementary - Calgary, AB
Chestemere Catholic School - Calgary, AB
Lethbridge Elementary - Lethbridge, AB
First Rate Investment Systems - Dallas, Texas
Multi-Purpose Facility - Parker, CO
Electronic Arts, Burnaby - BC
Sooke Recreational Facility - Sooke, AB
South Creek Recreational Facility, Calgary, AB
Father Paul O'Byrne HS - Calgary, AB
Camrose HS - Camrose, AB
Axis Dance Centre - Calgary, AB

BasicFlex™ is the current technology used at these facilities:

Calgary Christian HS - Calgary, AB
Trinity Christian School - Calgary, AB
Monteray Park School - Calgary, AB
Coventry Hills School - Calgary, AB
Boyle School, Alberta
Three Hills School - AB
Plamondon School - AB
Queens Park Elementary - calgary, AB
Sir John Elementary - Calgary, AB
Enchant School - Calgary, AB
St. Mary's High School - Calgary, AB
David Thompson School - AB
Mathew Halton - Pincher Creek, AB
Westhaven School - Edson, AB
St. Joseph High School - Grande Prairie, AB
Roche Miette School - Hinton, AB
Brownsfield School - Chauvin, AB
CJ Schruter School - Coaldale, AB
Conrich School - AB
Gabriola Elementary School - Gabriola, BC

BasketFlex™I is the current technology used at these facilities:

Glenmore Christian Academy, Main Gym - Calgary, AB
McKenzie Lake Community Association - Calgary, AB

BasketFlex™II is the current technology used at these facilities:

Lindsay Park (Talisman Centre) - Calgary, AB
Lethbridge Community College - Lethbridge, AB

CrossFlex™ is the current technology used at these facilities:

Sylvan Lake High School - Sylvan Lake, AB